Virtually all business school applicants worry about whether their GMAT (or GRE) score is good enough for their target schools. If you’re deliberating whether it’s worth retaking the exam, the following might help you make your decision. How Prepared Were You, Really?...
Did you know that many MBA programs now accept GRE scores in place of the GMAT? The question is: which test will play best to your strengths and demonstrate that you’re the most capable candidate? Make Sure Your Target Business Schools Accept the GRE Before you...
Are you wondering whether your GMAT is “good enough?” Did you nail a 740 total score but bomb one section? Did you fall just short of a threshold you were aiming for? Not long ago, one top-five school examined the profiles of students who struggled in their...
Essays get the lion’s share of the attention when it comes to business school applications. They’re the scariest beast to tackle, and they take the most time. You might even believe that they hold the most weight, though they actually do not. An MBA...